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Bouda: The were-hyenas of North Africa

The Spotted Hyena, Crocuta crocuta, inhabits m...

Image via Wikipedia

These were-hyenas come from the Berbers of North Africa. They use magical potions to shape-shift into the feral dogs during the night. While in canine form, they can still speak in human voices. So if you’re out in the desert and you hear someone calling you from outside the tent, you might want to consider checking to see if they’re sleeping beside you before you rush outside to see what’s wrong.

Now, what I want to know is this. If you’re a were-hyena, do you then just shift back at sunrise and go to your day job? What if you’re really tired from running around all night?


The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters
The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters

by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

About teresawilde

Author of Young Adult Paranormals, Paranormal Romance, Historical Paranormal Romance, tragical- comical-historical-pastoral, scene individable, and poem unlimited.

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